Results and Recall Systems


When your doctor orders any tests the results of these tests are received in a digital format in most situations. Depending on the test it can take a few days or longer to receive these test reports. Our doctors will check test results and reports everyday and decide what action to take.

If the result requires urgent care then we will contact you immediately. This is why it is important to keep your contact details up to date with reception.

If the report is not urgent but should be discussed then we will send you an SMS or our nurse will call you requesting you to make an appointment so we can discuss the report. This is not urgent but should be done as soon as practical.

If the report is normal or there is no significant issue then we will take no action or send you an SMS advising you of it. This means you are not required to make an appointment to see your doctor for the test results. However, if you are concerned or feeling worse then we encourage you to make an appointment to go through your results regardless of whether they are normal or not. 


Our practice is fully computerised and we offer SMS reminders for various health needs. Your doctor may add a “recall” in your file for a test or a check up they may need you to do in the future. When this “recall” is due you will receive an SMS from our practice reminding you of this. It is vital that you follow up when you receive a recall or reminder message. If you have chosen not to receive SMS reminders then our practice nurse will contact you over the phone or may send you a letter in the mail. The recall system is used to remind patients when they are due for specific health matters such as a pap test, or an immunisation or a repeat blood test or a medication review.